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Mar 26, 2007

Annoying Sub on Friday

Apparently, I received the world's worst Substitute Teacher to fill in for me on Friday. This is highly offensive on two levels:

1) I am a substitute teacher, and I hate people who reflect poorly in a position that I also work in

2) She was completely disrespectful to my children

I have taken a dear and keen ownership of my students, and anyone who behaves poorly should be reprimanded. I am in the process of compiling a collection of evidence that will, hopefully, refuse her work in this building ever again.

Incompetence is pathetic. Poor professionalism is worse. Worthless and irreverent individuals make my blood boil.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some teachers just like frowning and punishing and are probably secretly happier when they are reprimanding their students that when they are praising them for a job well done.

Those types need to be jailers or executioners instead of teachers.