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Apr 14, 2007

Why I hate your music

I finally put together a collection of music for my boss.
I hope it will work for him. I think I promised such a disc to a few of you, so you might see it in the mails somedays. Unfortunately, sending it to you over the internets would be a little dicey.

Not much opportunity this week for creativity. Muse or not, I've been swamped with the worldly things in life. Like money. I've discovered that I love it. I love the way it pays the bills. I love the way it feeds my wife and I. I like the way it covers our need for insurance so that if I die, my wife can get more of it. As such, I am a devoted companion to money's step-father: jobbing.

No room for pictures,
no room for movies,
no room for guitar...which I so desperately need.

Apr 9, 2007

Spring Break

So, I'm on a Spring Break from my full time subbing position. Now, I have all the time in the world to work 30+ hours at the Gap! Huzzah.

Somehow, I'll need to cram in:

1) Lesson planning for the following week
2) Taxes (yes, I'm that late)
3) Stop Motion movie (screenplay suggestions?)
4) Sermons galore
5) Hair cut

Somehow though, I doubt my haircut will be quite as magical as Charlie's.

Here's a picture of me: less forehead and less artsy-fartsy than Charlie's (yet again).